Adult Faith Formation
{ Order of Christian Initiation }

Program Info
Classes Begin September 2024 11:30am to 1:00pm
Registration fee: $60 Pay Here
9 to 18 Month Program: Length of time depends on the start date Inquiry Sessions (Year-round) Catechumenate Sessions (Year-round) Enlightenment (Lenten Season) Mystagogy (Easter Season)
Class Structure: In-Person: 1st & 3rd Sundays Digital (Asynchronous): 2nd & 4th Sundays
Course Material: Journey of Faith for Adults Catechism of the Catholic Church Liguori Publications
Registration |
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are three sacraments of initiation within the Catholic Church. Baptism is the first sacrament, cleansing individuals of original sin and incorporating us into the Christian community. Confirmation follows, where the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon the baptized, empowering us to live out their faith. It deepens our connection to God and the Church. Lastly, Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, is the sacrament where Catholics receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Through the consecration of bread and wine during Mass, we partake in a profound union with Christ, nourishing our spiritual journey and reinforcing our commitment to our Christian faith. Together, these sacraments of initiation form a pathway for us to fully engage in the life of the Church and grow in our relationship with God.
Inquiry Sessions
The purpose of inquiry sessions is to provide individuals interested in the Catholic faith an opportunity to ask questions, learn about Catholic teachings, and discern their desire to become members of the Church. These sessions foster an environment of exploration, dialogue, and discernment, helping participants gain a deeper understanding of the faith, connect with the Catholic community, and make informed decisions about continuing their journey towards becoming Catholic.
Catechumenate Sessions
Enlightenment Sessions
The purpose of enlightenment sessions is to help participants deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith, particularly in preparation for receiving the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. The Enlightenment sessions may include focused teachings on the significance of Lent, the paschal mystery, the meaning of the sacraments, and the journey towards Easter. They serve as a period of intensified reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth.
Mystagogy Sessions
The purpose of RCIA catechumenate sessions is to provide in-depth religious instruction, spiritual formation, and pastoral guidance to those who have decided to pursue full initiation into the Catholic Church. The catechumenate sessions focus on deepening the understanding of Catholic beliefs, sacraments, Scripture, moral teachings, and prayer. They also provide a nurturing environment for catechumens and candidates to grow in their relationship with God, strengthen their faith, and develop a deeper connection with the Catholic community.
The purpose of mystagogy sessions is to provide a period of continued formation and reflection for those who have recently received the sacraments of initiation. These sessions occur after the Easter season and help the newly initiated reflect on their journey, explore the richness of the sacraments, and understand how to live out their faith in their daily lives. These sessions often involve discussions, Scripture reflections, liturgical reflections, and opportunities for the newly initiated to share their experiences and ask questions.